Every year, LOST organizes activities for its members. Below you can find information on all of them.
Board day
Every year LOST organizes two meetings for the board members of its associations. During these meetings, knowledge exchange on both a practical and an artistic level is the main focus. By having the first meeting around the same time the associations usually switch boards, we stabilise this transferperiod and give the new boards an extra opportunity to ask any questions they might still have. The topics that are covered are decided based on what the associations need in that moment, and can be addressed through discussion groups, workshops, etc. The boarddays are also the moment we have our general assemblies, in which the members are updated on finances, what the board has been doing, etc.
The next board day will take place on the 21th of January 2024!

LOST Awards/LOST gala
In earlier years, the LOST-Awards were held every year, with as its most important prize the “Gouden Lam” (Golden Lamb) for the best performance. Apart from that awards were also handed out for best actor, best director, etc. Every association could nominate one of their own performances, and the LOST panel would come to assess it. This panel existed of members from all associations, and they were the ones who eventually decided which shows deserved the awards.
In 2023, LOST changed this format to a gala, where all members of the different associations and their plus-ones are welcome. The perfect place to meet dozens of theatre lovers from all over the Netherlands and dance the night away. A new way to celebrate the start of the student theatre season and to get some sneak previews of the shows to come.

National Theatredays
Since 2014, LOST organizes the National Theatredays. During these days members from the entire country come together to participate in workshops, party, and have a lot of fun! The main focus of this event is exchanging experiences and knowledge and making connections with likeminded students.