LOST was established in 2011 after the boardmembers of several student theatre associations realised that a national collaboration could be beneficial to the associations and their members. 

We believe that student theatre contributes to the development of students, studentlife, and the cultural landscape in the Netherlands. We want to support this by giving support to our members and contributing to a longlasting base for student theatre and studentlife in general. 

By connecting associations, knowledge and expertise come together. Thus, by working together nationally, we make associations stronger locally. 

Below you can check out the activities that we organize for our members. 


Every year, the boards of all associations come together twice for a board day, in which they can exchange information and get to know eachother. Apart from that, for all members of our member associations we also organise a yearly gala and theatreweekend.

Board of 2024-2025

"Harder, better, faster, stronger"

Lex Pruijt


Elias Schenk


Mark Trechsel


Ross Geurts

Commissioner of Internal Relations

Isabel Griffioen

Commissioner of Activities